Well It seems as though you do have some big news in Arizona.
to answer the questions- yeah weather is changing a little bit. but I dont need anything. I brought warm stuff with me. Thanks though. Maybe send me a lot of those listrine packets or something. If it is too much dont worry about it. As missionaries, they dont like us chewing gum in public. But in Korea, that's kinda the only way to freshen breath. they dont offer much alternative. they do sell altoids, but thay are really expensive and they make your backpack all "powdery". Anyway, Thank you.
so right now I am at a place called sfun z ("spoungie" as Koreans pronounce it) its just a place with a bunch of games (ping pong, bowling, etc). it should be pretty fun. I am emailing on a computer here. so as for myself, I am fine as always.
Today I cut my own hair for the 4th time in Korea. And I accidently cut the bangs way too short! Haha. But it is alright. Everyone says it looks fine. I think I just look at it with a more critical eye...
As far as news... These inactives are proving really hard to find. Korean addresses are really confusing. they give houses numbers in the order that they are built. So in an area, all the numbers are jumbled up together. so it can be difficult. and the area book is 5 years old...
But one interesting thing that happened this week. We were finding an inactive and all of a sudden, we ran into a guy from our english service project. We talked a little. At first, we were just trying to get out of there but we started talking a little bit and it started from trying to leave to giving him a pass along card to giving him the first discussion at the church! And the first went really well. We had another and that went well too! So it turns out that we found this investigator from one of the people we see every week. The circumstances were just right. But the Lord prepares those kinds of people all the time. We always just need to take advantage of those oportunities!
Love you all!
Elder shumway
Here is a photo of me and a member of my district.
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