Sunday, September 21, 2008

"Passed Off"

Thanks for the Email. Kedric sounds like he's doing pretty good on the football team. I wish he would have played a little before I left so I could've had a reason to go to the games more. way ta go!

well, we did go to a Puma store and they informed us that Pumas run anywhere from $70-120. I dont know how much the package was, but they cost a lot here. Thank you for sending them! I bought a dictionary (well, sort of). I bought it from another elder and he is sending it in the mail. It should get to me today or tomarrow. I am pretty excited. It should be really good.

Well, yes. It was a good Choo-Suk. Even though It got in the way of proselyting, we built some good relationships with the members. This week I finally "passed off". We have a Pass-off Program here. You have to memorize a bunch of vocabulary and get to a certain level in teaching the lessons. There are 3 passoffs: 1st, midway, and Final. And just this week I did final. It doesn't really mean much other than now I can technically go Senior. Woah! Yeah, I little scary! I think I'm more scared about it than you might be though. I still dont feel like I would be ready... I dont think it will happen quite yet though. In my opinion I have at least a couple transfers until I have to really worry. But, there are a lot of new missionaries coming in this next transfer and quite a few ending their missions. Which means they will be needing quite a few seniors to take their places. We'll see... I think I'll go when I'm good and ready...

So the other day we were traveling and this guy coming off the bus stops us and starts talking to us in English. "Hey are you two Mormon?" We started talking to him. He was this old chinese man. He was a citizen of the US but he had to renew his visa to China in Korea. He didn't speak any Korean and was really confused about how to get to his hotel. We pointed him in the right direction, showed him how to use the subway system, gave him our number in case he got confused again, and after thanking us, he left. We didn't expect to see him again. But a few days later, he gave us a call and said he wanted to meet treat us to coffee. Not really caring too much for the coffee, we met and had a really good talk over some orange juice. To make a long story short, we shared some stuff out of an English Book of Mormon and gave him a copy. He really liked it. He had some great values and some longing questions he wanted answered. He expressed his desire to read and study the book. He gave us his address in China (he plans to live there) and we separated.
All of this from just telling him how to use the subway. There are a lot of opportunities out there.

Love you a lot! Elder Shumway

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