So as you know, Elder Bednar came to speak to us! It was amazing! He did a question and answer session for about 3 hours! I learned a lot of really interesting stuff! Anyway, The Olympics here were pretty exciting. Of course we didnt see much, but everyone was talking about it. Korea is really excited that they beat Japan, (they want to beat Japan at everything) and they were super excited at winning baseball. And of course, they knew about Micheal Phelps (in Korean it sounds like "pel-pus") But they sounded really fun!
Well, to be honest, there isnt a lot of new news this week. We had a lot of meetings. We finally started our service project again. ( We go to a care center and sit in with a class that is learning English songs. so we sit there and when they need us to, we sing "mary had a little lamb" or "humpty dumty" or any other carol. It is ok. It can get a little boring, but most of the time it is fine. other than that, like I said, We have just done some proselyting and a ton of meetings. Its fun though. Thanks for the package again. My compainion just got some food from his family and we are eating both little by little. Pray for 3 things: Park Gun and his family, Yee Gee Won that he will attend church, and for the people of Yeoung- Do.
Thanks Alot!
Love you!
Elder S
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