Sunday, August 10, 2008

Elder Bednar to Visit Korea Soon

third time I am writing this letter... **&%$# That's a potty word in Korean. no just kidding it's not even Korean. But this letter got deleted twice already and I am pretty frustrated. So for lack of time, and lack of will power to try typing the amazing letter again, I will just lay it out...

Well Congrats to Michelle on getting engaged! Good Luck! I hope everything goes well! And another Congrats goes to Aj! Cara's going to Argentina! Hot Dang! That's exciting!

There are a lot of changes while I'm gone! That's good! Maybe things will change for me too! (like maybe my height will increase a few feet or I will grow a bum-chin!) ...I'll work on the Bum-chin.

Well there is good news and bad news. I guess you heard the news that Elder Bednar is coming to Korea. He is! But unfortuanately he is speaking in Deagu and Deagu is really far away from Yeoung-Do. If I was in Gumi still, I would be able to go. But I am not...But I did promise you good news... He is coming to speak to the Busan Mission as well! And I will go to that one! It is really exciting! As far as prayer goes, pray for Yeoung-Do. Pray that the people here will open their hearts to the glorious message of the gospel. I know it's True! It is True! Never be afraid to share it!

Love you all,
Elder Shumway

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