Well let's see what happened this week...
Well this week we did a lot of knockin on doors this last week... Like it went ok. we got in a lot of them. There was this one lady that we ran into a couple nights ago. She invited us in and we just started talking. She was talking about how she drinks a lot and howshe wishes she could stop. I dont really know what we should do with her... But My companion commited her to stop that day and any alcohol she had, to dump it out. she wanted to give us lunch, but we set up another appointment instead... We'll see how it goes...
We have some investigators here in yeoung-do, but we've started putting a lot more emphasis on work within the ward. we have this book of a couple hundred members but there are tons of less-actives... we have started working with a few and visiting a lot. It is turning out pretty well. we had a few of those less-actives come out to church this week! Anyway, we bought this huge map so we can find about 75 addresses that never could be found. I'll let you know how that goes. Well, I am not transfering, and I am staying with my companion! :-) It should be a really good transfer.
Of course, I'll keep you updaded with that stuff as well!
Gotta run!
sorry it was so short!
Love you all!
Elder Shumway
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Where's Waldo?/Dad?
So as you know, Elder Bednar came to speak to us! It was amazing! He did a question and answer session for about 3 hours! I learned a lot of really interesting stuff! Anyway, The Olympics here were pretty exciting. Of course we didnt see much, but everyone was talking about it. Korea is really excited that they beat Japan, (they want to beat Japan at everything) and they were super excited at winning baseball. And of course, they knew about Micheal Phelps (in Korean it sounds like "pel-pus") But they sounded really fun!
Well, to be honest, there isnt a lot of new news this week. We had a lot of meetings. We finally started our service project again. ( We go to a care center and sit in with a class that is learning English songs. so we sit there and when they need us to, we sing "mary had a little lamb" or "humpty dumty" or any other carol. It is ok. It can get a little boring, but most of the time it is fine. other than that, like I said, We have just done some proselyting and a ton of meetings. Its fun though. Thanks for the package again. My compainion just got some food from his family and we are eating both little by little. Pray for 3 things: Park Gun and his family, Yee Gee Won that he will attend church, and for the people of Yeoung- Do.
Thanks Alot!
Love you!
Elder S
Sunday, August 17, 2008
6 Months Already!!!
Well Family,
It has been a great day in the beautiful Yeoung- Do. Well I dont really know where to start.
1. Last P-day was pretty cool. I dont remember what we did but it was fun... I am pretty sure.
2. Then on wednesday, it was my 6 month mark! we had a district meeting. It was good and fun!
3. Well on Thurday, we had interviews with president. Man I love that Guy! He has a lot of changes in the mission! It should be exciting! After, we had lunch and went to get Ice cream. It was pretty cool. We also met a couple of really cool guys. I think both can turn into investigators. We just have to approach things in the right way. They are pretty old and one doesn't really understand us that well. Haha.
4. Friday, wehad a big ward picknic. It was pretty cool. So we showed up to the meeting place and we went down to our spot. And... Lo and Behold, They chose a swimming pool! To make a long story short, we did a lot of sitting Korean-style of course, (otherwise known as Indian-Style). I had made the mistake of assuming that I didnt need sunscreen that day. And well. . . Well, well, well... I've never blistered on my knees before...Haha just kidding. It wasnt that bad. But I did did a little red. Nothing bad though. After that, we went and visited this inactive family. They were way cool and let us in. We talked for a bit, shared a message, and they came to church.
5. On saturday, we met those two old guys we found and continued our discussions. I think we will refer one to the sister missionaries (they're Korean and can communicate a lot better than us). But the other one said he would come to church on the 31st! After that, we didnt know what to do. We had a few options and we decided to visit some people that expressed a little interest in this one apt. SO we visited like 5 doors, and they either didn't answer or weren't home. But the last door was this like 23 year old awesome kid. And he was home. He let us in. He told us that his family is really buddist and doesnt like missionaries. But After we first met him (a couple weeks ago) he has been talking about us to his family about us and saying how cool and awesome we are. So he let us in. It turns out that lately, a lot of tough things have happened since we met him. His Grandmother has cancer, he got food poisoning, he lost his cell phone and so he cant call any of his close friends or anything (cell phones are pretty important in Korea). We shared alma 7:11-12. He really like it. And he said he'd meet us at church the next day!
6. Sunday, we had a great meeting with that kid. He is so humble. He said that for the past day, he has been thinking about that scripture we shared with him. Sometime this week we will go to the hospital with him.
Well, yes I got the package, thank you. We have already used the frisbee once or twice. Flies great!
As for music, I have to admit that it can get tough here in Korea. They have some pretty good techno. haha. I first I was struggling to not think of music. I always had some kind of beat in my head. It took a while, but I think I've got it under control. :-) I still have a beat in my head but it stays pretty mission- standardy. Like "come thou Fount" or something.
Stay pretty!
Keep the faith!
Stay righteous!
Love ya's!
Elder Shumway
It has been a great day in the beautiful Yeoung- Do. Well I dont really know where to start.
1. Last P-day was pretty cool. I dont remember what we did but it was fun... I am pretty sure.
2. Then on wednesday, it was my 6 month mark! we had a district meeting. It was good and fun!
3. Well on Thurday, we had interviews with president. Man I love that Guy! He has a lot of changes in the mission! It should be exciting! After, we had lunch and went to get Ice cream. It was pretty cool. We also met a couple of really cool guys. I think both can turn into investigators. We just have to approach things in the right way. They are pretty old and one doesn't really understand us that well. Haha.
4. Friday, wehad a big ward picknic. It was pretty cool. So we showed up to the meeting place and we went down to our spot. And... Lo and Behold, They chose a swimming pool! To make a long story short, we did a lot of sitting Korean-style of course, (otherwise known as Indian-Style). I had made the mistake of assuming that I didnt need sunscreen that day. And well. . . Well, well, well... I've never blistered on my knees before...Haha just kidding. It wasnt that bad. But I did did a little red. Nothing bad though. After that, we went and visited this inactive family. They were way cool and let us in. We talked for a bit, shared a message, and they came to church.
5. On saturday, we met those two old guys we found and continued our discussions. I think we will refer one to the sister missionaries (they're Korean and can communicate a lot better than us). But the other one said he would come to church on the 31st! After that, we didnt know what to do. We had a few options and we decided to visit some people that expressed a little interest in this one apt. SO we visited like 5 doors, and they either didn't answer or weren't home. But the last door was this like 23 year old awesome kid. And he was home. He let us in. He told us that his family is really buddist and doesnt like missionaries. But After we first met him (a couple weeks ago) he has been talking about us to his family about us and saying how cool and awesome we are. So he let us in. It turns out that lately, a lot of tough things have happened since we met him. His Grandmother has cancer, he got food poisoning, he lost his cell phone and so he cant call any of his close friends or anything (cell phones are pretty important in Korea). We shared alma 7:11-12. He really like it. And he said he'd meet us at church the next day!
6. Sunday, we had a great meeting with that kid. He is so humble. He said that for the past day, he has been thinking about that scripture we shared with him. Sometime this week we will go to the hospital with him.
Well, yes I got the package, thank you. We have already used the frisbee once or twice. Flies great!
As for music, I have to admit that it can get tough here in Korea. They have some pretty good techno. haha. I first I was struggling to not think of music. I always had some kind of beat in my head. It took a while, but I think I've got it under control. :-) I still have a beat in my head but it stays pretty mission- standardy. Like "come thou Fount" or something.
Stay pretty!
Keep the faith!
Stay righteous!
Love ya's!
Elder Shumway
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Elder Bednar to Visit Korea Soon
third time I am writing this letter... **&%$# That's a potty word in Korean. no just kidding it's not even Korean. But this letter got deleted twice already and I am pretty frustrated. So for lack of time, and lack of will power to try typing the amazing letter again, I will just lay it out...
Well Congrats to Michelle on getting engaged! Good Luck! I hope everything goes well! And another Congrats goes to Aj! Cara's going to Argentina! Hot Dang! That's exciting!
There are a lot of changes while I'm gone! That's good! Maybe things will change for me too! (like maybe my height will increase a few feet or I will grow a bum-chin!) ...I'll work on the Bum-chin.
Well there is good news and bad news. I guess you heard the news that Elder Bednar is coming to Korea. He is! But unfortuanately he is speaking in Deagu and Deagu is really far away from Yeoung-Do. If I was in Gumi still, I would be able to go. But I am not...But I did promise you good news... He is coming to speak to the Busan Mission as well! And I will go to that one! It is really exciting! As far as prayer goes, pray for Yeoung-Do. Pray that the people here will open their hearts to the glorious message of the gospel. I know it's True! It is True! Never be afraid to share it!
Love you all,
Elder Shumway
Well Congrats to Michelle on getting engaged! Good Luck! I hope everything goes well! And another Congrats goes to Aj! Cara's going to Argentina! Hot Dang! That's exciting!
There are a lot of changes while I'm gone! That's good! Maybe things will change for me too! (like maybe my height will increase a few feet or I will grow a bum-chin!) ...I'll work on the Bum-chin.
Well there is good news and bad news. I guess you heard the news that Elder Bednar is coming to Korea. He is! But unfortuanately he is speaking in Deagu and Deagu is really far away from Yeoung-Do. If I was in Gumi still, I would be able to go. But I am not...But I did promise you good news... He is coming to speak to the Busan Mission as well! And I will go to that one! It is really exciting! As far as prayer goes, pray for Yeoung-Do. Pray that the people here will open their hearts to the glorious message of the gospel. I know it's True! It is True! Never be afraid to share it!
Love you all,
Elder Shumway
Sunday, August 3, 2008
An Answer to Prayer
So this week is good. My companions name is Heubcsh. He is on splits right now cause he needs to register in the immigration office again. So I dont know his parents names. All I remember is he lives near the 17 and Northern (that's like where the DI is). Well things are all fine and dandy in young-Do. The only problem is that we dont have too many investigators left over after we killed English. Haha. But it is OK. we will find some. there is a lot of potential in this city. Thanks goes out to everyone to helped with the "bike-fund". And like you already know, I am out of the area. But thanks. I think I could use it to get that electronic dictionary. Those things run pretty high. It feels a little akward that I recieved all this money all of a sudden, But again thank you. Well I have to admit, there were a lot of things that changed once I transfered. And not having a lot of teaching and a lot of rejection was a bit to adjust too. But I know that God is in the work. And even some dont accept you or the message, It doesn't make it any less true. The other day, I was feeling a little down, but I prayed, and felt really good again. I prayed to find. I prayed for a little miracle. we went back out for work, and I saw this one guy on the side of the street. But the spirit picked him out from the crowd. For some reason, I really felt like I should talk to him. I said to my companion "hey, lets go talk to that guy!" He just said "go ahead." Looks like I'm flying Solo on this one. (well, that's not true, the spirit was there) So I just started talking to him. We just kinda chatted until the end when I handed him a BOM pass-along card. He was really accepting! Not only of a foreigner like me, but also of the gospel and of the work. It was really cool. I dont know what will happen to that guy, but it was definately an answer to my prayers. He was one of the most accepting people I've met, and the spirit pointed him out.
Love you lots!
Elder Shumway
Love you lots!
Elder Shumway
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