Sunday, July 27, 2008
New Area
Question time! So my companion and I live in an apartment overlooking a bay? And it so happens that I was looking outside and there was a slight breeze? I started humming the song from the christopher columbus animated stories, "the wind's blowin' my way"? anyway, I was wondering if you ever saw a cd with any of those animated stories songs, could you please send it? Also, (and more prioritaly(if that's a word), is the new EFY CD)!...? I really want that baby? Anyway, if you could do that, that would be awesome? I dont know if anyone decided to go to EFY this year, but nevertheless, I really want that CD? Thanks?
Statement time! Or the reat of the letter...young-Do is a neat area. I like it. There are soo many people and so many that are ready for the gospel. It will be sweet! We are working pretty hard. You know how I told you we would teach English to investigators? Well, for a while, I have really not liked it. It takes a lot of time and some of the investigators you get are not at all interested in the gospel. The progress really slow and you can tell that they only "play along" just for the Free English. We would teach English for half an hour and then gospel for the last half. And depending on who you're with, sometimes it feels like the Gospel is taking the back seat. Anyway, I've always been a little critical of the English/ Gospel program for a while now. Yeah it can bring some good investigators, but you have to spend time with some of the not interested ones as well. But there's good news. Our new mission president just this past week told us to cancel the program mission-wide. We can have a weekly English class, but no one-on-one English Gospel appointments! So I am pretty excited about that. And my companion is too. A lot of missionaries dont like it because that's all they have done, but We're pretty excited! I trhink this is the first time a mission in Korea didn't prosylyte through English. More news to follow...Anyway, it's good. We have lots of time to procylyte and we are in a good area with lots of potential.
Love you all,
Elder Shumway
So I almost forgot. I found out my suitcase isnt as durable as I wouldve hoped. Haha. We traveled a lot and I had to drag this sucker all the way. Haha. It was ok though. I will see if it is fixable. and the other pictures are of the veiw from our apartment.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
First Transfer
Today is transfer Day! And guess what?! I am being transfered! Everyone thought that I would stay and lead Gumi but nope! I am leaving. I am writing to you from Young-Do. it is actually and island off of the coast of Busan. technically it is an island, but it isnt very far away. ANyway, I am really excited about it. I have my first American companion in the feild. They are pretty common but It is a little exciting none the less. His name is Elder Hebsch. (Yeah, a little weird spelling). But he's cool! I'll send some pictures later.
Right now I am sending you a few pictures from last P-Day. It was pretty sweet. This is in Kimchon. Actually FYI, this transfer was really weird. There were a lot of new changes that have never happened before. There were quite a few areas that were "white-washed" and there were wierd things that happened all over the place. But now I am on an island. When I got my transfer call, the AP told me, "you're going to a beautiful island". I automatically thought of Che-Ju-Do, the island that everyone considers "paradise". then he said,"...but not Che-Ju-Do". It was kinda funny. But this next transfer looks cool. I am pretty stoked!! :-)
Thanks for all your prayers! I haven't gotten the package yet, But It should probably come by next week. It was good to get your letters. These pictures are of "the beach of Kimchon". Its just a big river bottom. but we took some sweet pictures there. it was fun. In the video, I am trying to skip a rock.
So anyway, things are really crackin' over here in Korea. I like it! The language is still way tough and I can't wait till I can speak it like some of these other missionaries! Some of them are way good! It's exciting! I do my best to do my part and hope that the Lord will make up the rest!
It was pretty cool, because while I was packing and stuff, I was listening to my BYU choir CD! (Awesome cd, and I haden't pulled it out in forever!) But I was listening and just thinking and It started playing track 4 ( I think) "this is the christ". And while I was listening, things just started flooding over me. This is the Christ. This is His work. I really listened to the words and I thought of those in the Book of Mormon, who really saw him. And What they must have thought when they felt the marks upon him, and the wounds that were borne in behalf of them. thinking back to myself, I realize that before his name was engraven upon my Nametag, I was engraven upon His hands.
I'm in good hands.
Love you all! Peace out, Homies! Elder Shumway
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Ba Bamp!
Today I am actually coming to you from a nearby city called Kimchon. We have two companionships in our district and we do splits quite often.Anyway, to make a long story storter, One of the Elders in Kimchon found out that his sister died just last week. He was given the advice to just take it easy for the next week or two until he heals from this tragedy and can start working with full force again. Our house in Gumi has AC but the one in Kimchon does not. We have been doing splits for almost a week now, but anyway, this was President's advice to us.
It gets a bit "lainy" around here. And yes, I still love it. They tell me the weather is taking a break for a while and then hopefully we'll see some good flooding. Tell Sister Turville hi for me, and tell here I've learned to use chopsticks pretty well. :-)Wow! That's great. Kendric is working already! Does Jordan work? Probably not. Haha. I remember when I applied at Johnny Rockets and they pretty much just threw my application away. Haha yeah I dont do well when it comes to those "typical jobs" All of my jobs have come from people I knew. Those scout camp pictures were really cool! I enjoyed them. Looks like you went to a pretty cool spot this year. haha. I wish I could've seen Dallen catch a fish!...well looks like you can type a hecka lot faster that I can! hunt and peck, Hunt and peck...
Tell Ethan to send me a letter. (I hope you read this Ethan)
Thanks for the recipe! Most of the houses have stoves AND ovens, but our house in Gumi is a bit Ghetto and only has a stove. But it has AC!Yes, I am living in Kimchon right now. But I didn't move here. Just brought enough clothes to last a few days.earlier, you asked about a dictionary. Right now I have a small book dictionary that I really like. They give them to all Korean speaking missionaries when they enter the MTC. So for a While I will hold on to that one. But later, I want to get an electronic one. They are a bit pricy (like around $200). So just make sure there is some money in my account when I decide to go after one. It will probably not be for a couple more months.
We are teaching Kim-gyung-ho. He is this really cool guy in Kimchon that came to church, is really progressing, loves English, and really wants to go to BYU ID in 2009. But pray that he will gain a testimony of the Book of Mormon....
Our bikes got stolen but I dont think we'll ever find them. I plan on buying a couple new bikes. I can save up on some MSF and the mission will refund me 50%. And when I leave Gumi, the bikes will stay there. But in the longrun, it will save on cab-fare, be good excercise, and help out the next missionaries. ;-) But I was looking around, and we will probably not get some with shocks. If we do, we need to find a place that will sell 'em cheap. No Thrift stores in Korea . :-(....So how's that band coming? (Caleb, Jordan, Kendric, and Kevin Pooley have started a band! Mainly just for fun. They plan on making their debut after institute on August 5th. So look out!)I'm not sure what to expect. If it's good, go for it. It'll be fun. But I am also thinking, "where in Davey Jones did this Idea come from?!" But keep me posted. It sounds exciting!
Don't worry about money for the bikes. it's covered. I have been depriving myself of some of the more luxury items (aloe vera juice, melon bars, etc). If I was buying it for myself, I would need money but since it isn't for me, I am just saving.
haha. well now that I've heard from all of you, I think I will stop writing. It's been fun! My companion is still typing away, (he's a popular guy) and I will be sitting by the computer for a while but probably not typing. This new mission President is really awesome. We had interviews this last week and I can really feel his spirit. At the end, we all gathered around to give a blessing to the Elder whose Sister just passed away. I dont remember excacly what was said, but I remember that the spirit was there. And as our mission President was pronouncing the blessing, I can truly say that he was called of God and had the Spirit with him. These next two years will be really good! Our mission is in good hands.
I've been reading a lot from the Book of Mormon. The closer you read and the more focused you are makes all the difference. I read a scripture that I really liked this morning. I don't have my english scriptures with me but I memorized the verse since I really love it! 2 NEPHI 33:6 "I glory in plainness; I glory in my Jesus, for he hath redeemed my soul from hell." It's so true! Truth is simple. The way it is, is the way it is. Satan is the one who works in darkness. And Jesus Christ paved the way for all of us. He has saved every soul from Hell. I know that this gospel is true and it leads to true Happiness!
Thanks so much! Thanks for all the pictures, emails, and support! Love you all!
Elder LeGrand Shumway
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Happy Independence Day!
Alright family!
It has been a great two weeks since the last time I wrote to you! Last P-Day, We went to Busan because our mission president was leaving. There were a lot of missionaries that decided to gather at the train station and say one last goodbye to President. So we had to take the two hour trip down to Busan. It was really cool. We surprised him as he turned the corner to go to the platform and broke out with a hymn "Each life that touches ours for good". It was really cool. But as you can tell, we didn't e mail.
Today, we have a lot of shopping to do in another city so we are getting a head start on the day.I ate Dog! it was pretty good. not SUPER good, but good. I have some pictures. There was one part that wan't so good though. It was like a big fat block that looked like the ear but might have been skin or something! Yuck! But I downed it so i could say I finished the whole soup. But the rest was good!
The new mission president is really cool. Him and his wife are really funny and are excited for the work. I think it will be good to have them.
(Next email)
Hey I just got your letter!
Alright, so this last week i feel like I have been truly blessed. I finally decided that instead of relying on some really hard praying and a lot of waiting for the Gift of Tongues, I decided that I would instead just work at it and see what happens. it seems like that is what i should have done the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I am always working hard for the language, but I finally decided to work at it with full vigor. 110%. Every spare minute is study time. Memorize vocab and such. And since i really stretched out and really showed that i wanted it, the blessings have come. And I have seen them. These last couple weeks, my learning has accelerated and my mind has truly been quickened. I can understand people so much more now. And they can understand me better as well. But it still isn't anywhere close to where it should be... Got to pick up any extra slack and work even harder. I really think blessings and work/ desire are proportional to each other.Anything you want, you have to work for.
Yes I got Sarah's letter. it got here just fine. I will reply shortly.
Wow. that's a lot of news! I will respond next week.
Tell Bryndan I am mailing a letter today. And to not expect it for another week or so. Things have been pretty hectic on P days here you see...I will make a video but send it next time. I will respond to everything next week.
Love you,
(Next Message)
Gold leader, signing off---(wow that's dorky)Haha