baptisms (but our new convert got the priestood)...
...Anyway, so I was at a member's store (where I made new namecards) and I wanted to make a CD with my camera card (i didn't want to lose them, you see)... So I was going through my camera and found where it said how much space I had taken up. I wanted to find out how many CDs It would need (I am now equipted with a 2 GB card). It turns out that I had used up about 1.7 GB! So I was like "wow! That's a lot of pictures! Those are lotes of memories that I would not want to lose! That's my last part in te MTC and my first 5 weeks in the feild." Those pictures are of a lot of firsts. First time on a plane, first baptism, first time landing in Korea, etc. Yeah... so it turns out that my camera can also format cards... and... yeah. Bad news. On the screen where
I can see how much memory is used, I can easily format the card. One little slip of the finger destroys everything. No warning or anything! And Thats what happened....
But wait, the member says, "Dont worry, I have a program that can restore formated things! Horray!" So he worked his magic... However, My camera is all-powerful. The "omipotent
camera". When it does something, it does it right! It gets the job done! So when I said, format!", It did it well. And my card was formatted well. In other words, the program couldn't fix it...
Long story short, I dont have any pictures. Sorry. I'm sad too. So I want you to cherish those pictures I did send. You have the only reminants of my 1.7GB of pictures. Especially cherish "Russia". HaHa. of all the pictures, I sent you one of Russia. HaHa.
Any way, that will be alright. I am working on filling up the memory card again and soon I will have another 1.7 GB that i can format! HaHa just kidding. (Here is the Photo of Russia LeGrand is talking about. Taken from the airplane window.)
Today we hiked a mountain! Well, it wasn't really hiking. More of "walking up a bunch of stairs" but it was fun! We had 3 investigators come with us so it turned out well! I will send those
pictures next week.
Anyway, I'm glad you liked the package. How much do you think it costed me to send that thing? .... nope... guess again.... right. 22 bucks! i dont know why it was so expensive! moral of the story, If you send things from Korea to the USA, Send it via envelope. That was a sad
day, those types of things, you have to use personal money for.
Thank you for sending the package so promtly! I have not recieved it yet, but i anticipate it soon!
Thank you for your prayers!
Love you all!
Elder Shumway
1 comment:
LeGrand, I feel your pain. Once, I spent two years video taping the rise of the Timpanogos Temple with my young children standing in front of it every month or two. Upon it's completion we watched it once and then an unnamed person taped over it with a Jazz game. What can you do? Aunt Carolyn loves you! xoxo
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