Looks like you have a lot of stuf going on at home! If you keep it up, I'll always have really exciting P-Days! ...But, on the other hand, if things keep changing this fast, Caleb will be married, You will live in Utah, The Cats will gow two heads, and Dallen will have become a mountain man (hunting Gorillas, Raccoons, and stuff). Actually all of those sound really cool except the first one! :-) (PS- if one of the cats does grow two heads, keep it until I get back)... Such tales bring an all-to-familair song to mind....
SO HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD! You're the BEST dad! Sorry, but I didn't send any package or anything your way. (insufficient funds) But I will make sure to hit you extra hard when Dec 8 rolls around (Gosh, I hope that's right). But the date doesn't really matter. I cant time these things very well anyway... But Know that I really love you and the example you have set for me. Not everyone has been as lucky as I have.
I bet Girls' Camp was a lot of fun! I didn't have to read very far to know that Mom was not the author. But thanks Bro for sending that to me! Love ya man! (PS- you're dating too hard) As for my password.... I'll never tell! Wah haha! Just kidding, It's in a letter I mailed on Wednesday. you should get it soon.
Spencer just got my letter! Finally! I figured he just forgot about me. HaHa, just kidding.
That's awesome that Ashlee accepted the missionaries! I hope everything goes well! I'll send a letter to her soon!
As for Korea, Yoon sang mee (however i spelled it) Is going to China for a couple months. Her sister lives there and she will come back after the Olympics. So things will have to wait util she gets back. I am with the same companion. We think this next transfer he will go and I will stay (we dont REALLY know. but that seems to be the typical pattern in the mission. we'll see...) Whoever stays might be able to see her when she gets back. She comes back about 3-5 days before a transfer date. We extended baptism a bunch of times but she says she needs more time. Im Jee hoon (i dont know how I spelled it) has gotten more busy as time goes on, we have met a few more times but his progress is slow. Keep praying for him and pray that we will find more people that are really ready to hear the gospel. (I think there are many that are mainly interestest in just learning English).
But other that that, things are going really good! I started a "40-day fast" which is a fast from anything that gets in you way as a missionary. Some of it is more physical (such as "being tired") but most is your mental focus. It has proven to be very difficult so far. But The end result is theoretically, a more purified-from-the-world missionary and a deeper commitment to the work. So we'll see how it turns out. :-)
Well, that's all for today. We have some shopping to do and a few errends to run. Tonight we (my companion and I) are organizing a ward home Evening. So I have to prepare for my 5-minute talk. (if it was English, i dont think i'd give hardly any thought until I was up on the stand. but its not. And I am no master at Korean)
Thank you. I love you so much!
Happy Father's Day, Dad!
Elder S
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Hi Family.Sorry I didn't Email last week. We went to the mission headquarters to "drop off some books". HaHa. Me and my companion went to a nearby printing shop and had about 80 PMGs (Preach My Gospel: A guide to missionary service) made. But we made them super small. like a fourth of a normal PMG. Talk about black market quality! Now these babies are portable. The only problem is they are not in color except the cover. But they are pretty sweet nonetheless!
Anyway, I say "drop off some books" because that was kind of the excuse to make the trip down to the mission office on transfer day. Transfer Day!!! What!? What!? Did you say, "Transfer Day"? Already! But you just started your mission young lad ( and fat lad, (and ugly lad))... Yes, I jolly well know, but the 6 weeks are up and it is time for your first transfer in the field.
The good news is, i am staying with my companion ( my "papa", if you will) That is kinda that nickname for trainer over here. Any way, no transfers for us, actually none for our whole district... But there were a couple of Elders "dying" that he wanted to see. (more mission lingo: "dying" means going home).
And i also found out that when I die, I will either die 3 weeks before or after the start of my mission (Late Jan, 2010 or Early April, 2010) Since I was in the MTC for 12 weeks instead of nine like Caleb, I have 3 weeks that can fly either way. We'll see when we get there.
Maybe you understand that last paragraph, maybe not. Either way, I am moving on. We can talk about that later.
also, I realized I will have my "Golden Birthday" 2 times. Since I am technically 21 right now in Korea, my next birthday will be "golden" and when I come home, I will be 21 again and the next birthday after that will also be "golden".
Anyway, I am super excited to Email today! We had that trip last week. The train ride was 2 hours each way and we spent some time with the Elders at the mission home. (HaHa i realized that I used 3 words to describe the mission home (home, office, headquarters)) I say some friends from the MTC. That was really cool! Because of transfers, the mission held all packages and letters. So I picked up the package (thank you!) at the mission home, but I got your letter just today. (looks like stamps went up 3 cents). Since we ran out of time, I've been anticipating Email ever since then. I spoke during church and while i was speaking, I realized I would be Emailing in 24 hours. it was exciting....
Any way... HaHa. Happy birthday Kendric! Looks like you were caught unprepared and underdressed! [Sidenote: We had Kendric's surprise 16th birthday party early in the morning on Monday the 9th. All his friends were hiding in the basement and he got tricked into walking down there. He had just woken up and he usually sleeps in his undies, so he was quite surprised!)
The Cats sound Awesome. And I really enjoyed the letters and all the info on the latest stuff that's happened with the family. Thank you!
Love you lots!
Elder Shumway
Anyway, I say "drop off some books" because that was kind of the excuse to make the trip down to the mission office on transfer day. Transfer Day!!! What!? What!? Did you say, "Transfer Day"? Already! But you just started your mission young lad ( and fat lad, (and ugly lad))... Yes, I jolly well know, but the 6 weeks are up and it is time for your first transfer in the field.
The good news is, i am staying with my companion ( my "papa", if you will) That is kinda that nickname for trainer over here. Any way, no transfers for us, actually none for our whole district... But there were a couple of Elders "dying" that he wanted to see. (more mission lingo: "dying" means going home).
And i also found out that when I die, I will either die 3 weeks before or after the start of my mission (Late Jan, 2010 or Early April, 2010) Since I was in the MTC for 12 weeks instead of nine like Caleb, I have 3 weeks that can fly either way. We'll see when we get there.
Maybe you understand that last paragraph, maybe not. Either way, I am moving on. We can talk about that later.
also, I realized I will have my "Golden Birthday" 2 times. Since I am technically 21 right now in Korea, my next birthday will be "golden" and when I come home, I will be 21 again and the next birthday after that will also be "golden".
Anyway, I am super excited to Email today! We had that trip last week. The train ride was 2 hours each way and we spent some time with the Elders at the mission home. (HaHa i realized that I used 3 words to describe the mission home (home, office, headquarters)) I say some friends from the MTC. That was really cool! Because of transfers, the mission held all packages and letters. So I picked up the package (thank you!) at the mission home, but I got your letter just today. (looks like stamps went up 3 cents). Since we ran out of time, I've been anticipating Email ever since then. I spoke during church and while i was speaking, I realized I would be Emailing in 24 hours. it was exciting....
Any way... HaHa. Happy birthday Kendric! Looks like you were caught unprepared and underdressed! [Sidenote: We had Kendric's surprise 16th birthday party early in the morning on Monday the 9th. All his friends were hiding in the basement and he got tricked into walking down there. He had just woken up and he usually sleeps in his undies, so he was quite surprised!)
The Cats sound Awesome. And I really enjoyed the letters and all the info on the latest stuff that's happened with the family. Thank you!
Love you lots!
Elder Shumway
Monday, June 2, 2008
Alright. Something really interesting happened this week... No, no
baptisms (but our new convert got the priestood)...
...Anyway, so I was at a member's store (where I made new namecards) and I wanted to make a CD with my camera card (i didn't want to lose them, you see)... So I was going through my camera and found where it said how much space I had taken up. I wanted to find out how many CDs It would need (I am now equipted with a 2 GB card). It turns out that I had used up about 1.7 GB! So I was like "wow! That's a lot of pictures! Those are lotes of memories that I would not want to lose! That's my last part in te MTC and my first 5 weeks in the feild." Those pictures are of a lot of firsts. First time on a plane, first baptism, first time landing in Korea, etc. Yeah... so it turns out that my camera can also format cards... and... yeah. Bad news. On the screen where
I can see how much memory is used, I can easily format the card. One little slip of the finger destroys everything. No warning or anything! And Thats what happened....
But wait, the member says, "Dont worry, I have a program that can restore formated things! Horray!" So he worked his magic... However, My camera is all-powerful. The "omipotent
camera". When it does something, it does it right! It gets the job done! So when I said, format!", It did it well. And my card was formatted well. In other words, the program couldn't fix it...

Long story short, I dont have any pictures. Sorry. I'm sad too. So I want you to cherish those pictures I did send. You have the only reminants of my 1.7GB of pictures. Especially cherish "Russia". HaHa. of all the pictures, I sent you one of Russia. HaHa.
Any way, that will be alright. I am working on filling up the memory card again and soon I will have another 1.7 GB that i can format! HaHa just kidding. (Here is the Photo of Russia LeGrand is talking about. Taken from the airplane window.)
Today we hiked a mountain! Well, it wasn't really hiking. More of "walking up a bunch of stairs" but it was fun! We had 3 investigators come with us so it turned out well! I will send those
pictures next week.
Anyway, I'm glad you liked the package. How much do you think it costed me to send that thing? .... nope... guess again.... right. 22 bucks! i dont know why it was so expensive! moral of the story, If you send things from Korea to the USA, Send it via envelope. That was a sad
day, those types of things, you have to use personal money for.
Thank you for sending the package so promtly! I have not recieved it yet, but i anticipate it soon!
Thank you for your prayers!
Love you all!
Elder Shumway
baptisms (but our new convert got the priestood)...
...Anyway, so I was at a member's store (where I made new namecards) and I wanted to make a CD with my camera card (i didn't want to lose them, you see)... So I was going through my camera and found where it said how much space I had taken up. I wanted to find out how many CDs It would need (I am now equipted with a 2 GB card). It turns out that I had used up about 1.7 GB! So I was like "wow! That's a lot of pictures! Those are lotes of memories that I would not want to lose! That's my last part in te MTC and my first 5 weeks in the feild." Those pictures are of a lot of firsts. First time on a plane, first baptism, first time landing in Korea, etc. Yeah... so it turns out that my camera can also format cards... and... yeah. Bad news. On the screen where
I can see how much memory is used, I can easily format the card. One little slip of the finger destroys everything. No warning or anything! And Thats what happened....
But wait, the member says, "Dont worry, I have a program that can restore formated things! Horray!" So he worked his magic... However, My camera is all-powerful. The "omipotent
camera". When it does something, it does it right! It gets the job done! So when I said, format!", It did it well. And my card was formatted well. In other words, the program couldn't fix it...
Long story short, I dont have any pictures. Sorry. I'm sad too. So I want you to cherish those pictures I did send. You have the only reminants of my 1.7GB of pictures. Especially cherish "Russia". HaHa. of all the pictures, I sent you one of Russia. HaHa.
Any way, that will be alright. I am working on filling up the memory card again and soon I will have another 1.7 GB that i can format! HaHa just kidding. (Here is the Photo of Russia LeGrand is talking about. Taken from the airplane window.)
Today we hiked a mountain! Well, it wasn't really hiking. More of "walking up a bunch of stairs" but it was fun! We had 3 investigators come with us so it turned out well! I will send those
pictures next week.
Anyway, I'm glad you liked the package. How much do you think it costed me to send that thing? .... nope... guess again.... right. 22 bucks! i dont know why it was so expensive! moral of the story, If you send things from Korea to the USA, Send it via envelope. That was a sad
day, those types of things, you have to use personal money for.
Thank you for sending the package so promtly! I have not recieved it yet, but i anticipate it soon!
Thank you for your prayers!
Love you all!
Elder Shumway
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