That's how you say Elder Shumway" in Korean. I wont get you started with the characters. They are insane!
First letter from the MTC and I only have 24:29 left on the clock... wait no. 25:15 left... No, thats not right. 23:46... Arg! now its 23:24. Dang, I have a countdown from 30 minutes and I am a SUPER slow typer!
Well, Ill make it as long as I can with the time I have and as you can
see, so far I've gotten nowhere with this letter and the time is still
clicking away! only about 21 minutes right now, so I'd better get
see, so far I've gotten nowhere with this letter and the time is still
clicking away! only about 21 minutes right now, so I'd better get
The MTC is WILD! The food is really good and really fattening! But not
to worry, I made a goal after like the third day (and five pounds
heavier) to eat healthy. So far I do well. No soda. Only water and skim milk
and lots and lots of salads and fruit! Yum!
My schedule each day: Wake up at 6:30 sharp and get ready for the day.
Report to class for 45 minutes of personal study at 7 and brekfast at
745. Then back to class to be taught Korean. somewhere in there, we
take a break for lunch and a gym period. Back to class for more of my
soon-to-be favorite languge, Korean, and then break for dinner. after
Dinner, back to class for 3 hours of personal study (scriptures, companion
study, language study). After that (now we are at 9PM) is planning
until 930. Back to the room! lights out at 10:30 followed by a goodnight's
So as you can tell, there are not many opportunities to burn off any
fat I might pick up. So I'd better leave off the pounders or suffer with
them through the mission! :-P
My Companion is

Anyway, the CTR ring is said something close to "Joung- euee- pan". but the "euee" is one syllible and the "pan" is a mix between a P and a B sound. I guess it means more like "Righteous Class" which isn't very close to "Choose the right"
2 minutes. Now I wish I used the Beginning time more wisely. Maybe
you'll have to publish a written letter if I send one today.
Anyway, I learned how to read and write in the First Day! It is not too
tough. I am just memorizing things now! less than a minute.
you'll have to publish a written letter if I send one today.
Anyway, I learned how to read and write in the First Day! It is not too
tough. I am just memorizing things now! less than a minute.
Love you guys,
Elder LeGrand Shumway
1 comment:
Hello Elder Shumway I enjoyed reading your post about the M.T.C. comparing it to Harry Potter. Well good luck on your baptisms.
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