Mail is the highlight of the day here at the MTC! It reminds me a little of Harry Potter at Hogwarts! The District Leader goes off and gets the mail and while we eat breakfast or lunch. Everyone waits for them to come back and they all scream, "The mails here" in an English accent. Then the District Leaders spread their suit coats and swoop in the Great Hall where we eat to deliver them. Sometimes they jump onto the table and "help themselves to some of our pumpkin juice." By the way, I don't know about you, but pumpkin juice does not sound very tasty. I didn't even know pumpkins had juice in them. Yuck!...Needless to say, that story was a bit of an exageration. Most of the time they don't do that stuff. But everyone looks forward to the mail! Mail and gym period...But mostly it's just mail!
I'll develop some pictures and send 'em to you next P-Day. I still need to order them. And if your lucky, I might attatch some to the email as well!
Love, Elder Shumway
I'll develop some pictures and send 'em to you next P-Day. I still need to order them. And if your lucky, I might attatch some to the email as well!
Love, Elder Shumway
hey, its tanya and cody, (mainly tanya, since cody isn't here at the moment), anyway, we're so excited for you and for this super easy way to drop you a line or two. i'll show cody how to do this and he'll be commenting for real, really soon. keep on keeping on. love cody, tanya, larkin, and tasia
Thanks Tanya, I will forward this on to LeGrand. he can't really access his blog even though it says it was posted by "LeGrizzle" it is really me. Cecile
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